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Department 9


Open Class

Exhibits Housed In A Tent In
Grater Memorial Park
Co-chairmen: Jenn Martin - ext. 1090,
Connie Hutchinson, Colleen Worley
Judging: Friday, Week of Fair - 5:00 P.M.
Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Head

1. Contest is open to all ages. Entries may be limited per exhibitor due to availability of pen space.

2. All entries are due by September 1. Email or call Jenn Martin at 717-733-4451, ext. 1090.

3. Animals will be checked in from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Monday, and removed Friday after Tent City closes.

4. No rabbit showing signs of contagious or infectious disease will be admitted to show.

5. Exhibitors are responsible for feeding, watering, cage cleaning and supervising their animal during the entire Fair. Participants are required to handle their animal for the judge during judging on Friday.

6. Rabbits will be judged according to A.R.B.A. Standards of Perfection.

7. 4-H and FFA exhibitors see Housekeeping Contest and Awards, Page 25.

8. All exhibitors are required to help set-up cages on Sunday week of Fair from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

9. Cleanup is mandatory for all exhibitors Friday night after Tent City closes. Failure to stay could result in loss of premiums.


Premiums: 1st-$8.00; 2nd-$6.00; 3rd-$4.00; 4th-$3.00; 5th-$2.00
Best of Show Trophy

Note: Jr. is up to 6 months of age and Sr. is over 6 months of age.

Class by Breed and Pet Class -

Sr. Buck Jr. Buck
Sr. Doe Jr. Doe

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