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Department 2 - Dairy Cattle



1. Exhibitors are limited to residents of Lancaster County and adjoining counties in Pennsylvania.


2. Entries: Copies of breed registration papers for each animal are due to the Chairman by September 13th along with entries and fees. Entries will be accepted on a first come, first served basis until the capacity of the dairy tent is obtained. Entry form on page 19.


3. Health Requirements: No entries showing clinical evidence of infectious, contagious, or parasitic disease or under quarantine for any disease shall be admitted to the show. All entries must be identified by an official ear tag and be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection dated March 1 or later. It is recommended that all cattle be immunized against IBR, PI3, and BVD. Rabies vaccination recommended.


4. Care: Bedding will be furnished by the Ephrata Farmers’ Day Association. The feed, feed boxes, and water buckets must be furnished by the exhibitor who must see that animals are fed and cared for during the ENTIRE fair. The Ephrata Farmers’ Day Association will provide a night watchman to stay with the animals. All cattle are required to have neck ties and halters on at all times.


5. Time: All animals for exhibition must be placed in the tent by 10:00 a.m. Tuesday. The animals must remain on exhibit until 10:00 a.m. Saturday, week of fair.


6. Classes and premiums listed below apply to each of the following breeds and apply to both Open and Junior Shows.

210-Ayrshire 220-Brown Swiss 230-Guernsey 240-Holstein 250-Jersey 260-Linebacks 270-Red & White

Classes and Premiums: â€‹


Premiums: 1st-$15.00; 2nd-$14.00; 3rd-$13.00; 4th-$12.00; 5th-$11.00


00001 Spring Calf

00002 Winter Calf

00003 Fall Calf


Premiums: 1st-$28.00; 2nd-$26.00; 3rd-$24.00; 4th-$22.00; 5th-$20.00


00004 Summer Yearling

00005 Spring Yearling

00006 Winter Yearling

00007 Fall Yearling


Premiums: 1st-$36.00; 2nd-$34.00; 3rd-$32.00; 4th-$30.00; 5th-$28.00


00008 Dry Cow

00009 Junior 2 Year Old

00010 Senior 2 Year Old

00011 3 Year Old

00012 4 Year Old

00013 5 Years & Older


Premiums: 1st-$35.00; 2nd-$32.00; 3rd-$29.00; 4th-$26.00; 5th-$23.00


00014 Best 3 Females

00015 Produce of Dam

00016 Dam and Daughter


Premiums: 1st-$15.00; 2nd-$10.00


00017 Best Udder-Cow In Milk, Any Age



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